Event Calendar
Proactive scheduling and robust oversight of training and events

Oversee training scheduling, attendance and impact
This optional add-on module supports the scheduling of training, development and wider events, plus the ability to manage attendance bookings online. This is beneficial for organisations that deliver internal and external training, especially where training is optional, or where people have the flexibility of upskilling by attending the appropriate courses.
Allows people to search for training & events that are scheduled. Link events to skills within your competency framework to allow the calendar to filter events to those that will help close proficiency gaps or improve knowledge and awareness.
People reserve their place on training courses & events, and can download reminders for their calendar software (e.g. Outlook, Google or Lotus Notes). Also restrict certain events so that managers must approve booking and/or cancellation requests. Managers can also easily book their own staff onto events, and migrate attendance/completion data into training records.
If event places are limited, optionally create a waiting list for those that weren’t successful in reserving their place. When cancellations occur, the waiting list automatically updates and notifies each successful person with a useful calendar reminder.
Upload documentation such as training material to the event, or to particular event schedules to allow self-study and awareness prior to the event.
Easily print attendee registers for people to sign when they arrive at your event. This helps to track and record attendance and absence, especially useful for external delivery partners.